I felt I needed some time alone, so Frida got on a cab and went off to hang out with the other swedish people who also were in New York. I gave her my mobile phone, so that she could find them, but now there was no way for them to find me, except by mail. I kind of felt that it was a good thing. So ... Now my spiritual journey alone in New York could commence. What strange adventures was I about to experience? What curious people was I about to meet? (I kind of didn't feel like meeting any people actually, nor experiencing any adventures ...)

panel no. 1: Johan: Ah, alone at a japanese bar in New York! Could it be better?
1 kommentar:
det var skönt att få vara ifrån varandra lite granna... men sen saknade jag dig på maskätar-vernissaget och Brooklynfesten.
Du hade älskat Robin, singer/songwriter-tjejen som spelade på vinden, åh vad jag ville att du skulle vara där och se henne! :')
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