Här kommer serien.

panel no.1:She showed me many amazing things.
panel no.2:The most amazing thing was maybe...
ANNA:"Here. This is potatoes which has been grown on the facility."
panel no.3: It felt as she revealed her most intimate secrets, just for me. I was spellbound, and I was beginning to feel uneasy.
ANNA:"Feel free to take samples of it when you get back, just to see how wonderful it really is."
ME:"I will. I promise."
panel no.4:I was there to ask serious questions, but the way she seem to like her company made it feel all wrong. The tour continued outside.
ANNA:"If we wait here I will show you the train."
2 kommentarer:
fejnt dö järven! kom ut ur din byhålebubbla och häng med mig, jag är uuuuutråååååkaaad.
Jahaja... hmm ja, bestäm nån dag då. jag kan typ närsomhelst.
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