tisdag 27 april 2010

Small Press Expo 2010

I have been to small Press expo in Stockholm this weekend. It was a good experience, with many happy Kodak moments. I ate the best food at Kato sushi bar on söder near Staffars.

I made a kind of retarded painting at the Galago party-wall.

I got invited to this party, and this.

I have comics in the new issues of Babian and Galago

Good news, the new issue ofcomic royale, an anthology of which I was one of the founders 4 years ago, got a price for best fanzine, voted by the people.

All in all, a very good small press expo!

1 kommentar:

Frida Ulvegren sa...

Detta var sannerligen ditt år Johan. Alla älskar dig.

Jag är lite avis på Crack-grejen, så klart, men inte på Arvika.
Musikfestival... brrr... Det låter lerigt, ofräscht och jobbigt...

Startade du Comic royal för 4 år sen?! Jeeezes, va länge sen!